100 bw
aaa - Southwell coat of arms
aaa - Southwell coat of arms - straightened
Amos Southwell's desk - 2014 (1)
Amos Southwell's desk - 2014 (2)
Amos Southwell's desk - 2014 (3)
Amos Southwell's desk - 2014 (4)
Amos Southwell's desk - 2014 (5)
Beartrice Smith's scarf, hanky and bag - gifts from brother Ellis WWI
Beartrice Smith's scarf, hanky and bag - gifts from brother Ellis WWI
Beatrice Smith's tatting
CE Brooks Southwell's clock
crest header2
Desk Inscription
Ernest Brown's clock
Ernest Brown's clock bw
Ether anaesthetic machine 1940
Ether anaesthetic machine 1940 copy
Flower stand at Parkwood - 10 November 2013
Gold Creek Station Mantle Piece (1)
Gold Creek Station Mantle Piece (2)
Gold Creek Station Mantle Piece (3)
Gwendoline Annie GORHAM
IMG 1906
IMG 2580
IMG 2581
IMG 2582
IMG 2583
IMG 2584
IMG 2673
IMG 2674
IMG 2675
James and Hannah Southwell's dinner set
James and Hannah Southwell's dinner set and Beatrice Southwell's diary (1)
James and Hannah Southwell's dinner set and Beatrice Southwell's diary (2)
Jane Southwell's sign at Duntroon Dairy - 2012
Jane Southwell's sign at Duntroon Dairy - 2012 (1)
Jane Southwell's sign at Duntroon Dairy - 2012 cropped
John and Lucy Statue
John and Lucy Statue 2
Log Cabin Quilt made by Jane Smith's daughters
Memorabilia (1)
Memorabilia (2)
Memorabilia - Bessie Bardwell
Nicole Gorge
Organ Stool from the Weetangera Methodist Church
Revolving Wool Table - pre 1946
Revolving Wool Table - pre 1946 bw
Ring given to Marion Russell (nee Newbery) by Harry (Henry) Stear
Ring given to Marion Russell (nee Newbery) by Harry (Henry) Stear 2
Ring given to Marion Russell (nee Newbery) by Harry (Henry) Stear 2 bw
Ring given to Marion Russell (nee Newbery) by Harry Stear with Frederick William Newbery's initials added
Ring given to Marion Russell (nee Newbery) by Harry Stear with Frederick William Newbery's initials added bw
Ring given to Marion Russell (nee Newbery) with initials of Frederick William Newbery
Samplers done by Stella and Elsie Southwell & (1)
Samplers done by Stella and Elsie Southwell & (2)
Samson and Elizabeth Southwell photos
Samuel Southwell's silver trowel - Wattle Park Church 1
Samuel Southwell's silver trowel - Wattle Park Church 1 (2)
Smith girls & quilt (1)
Smith girls & quilt (1) BW
southwell Crest large
southwell Crest medium
Southwell family at Manly - Names
Southwell house - newspaper lined walls (1)
Southwell house - newspaper lined walls (2)
Southwell house - step to verandah
Southwell Lines Chart
Starr Family Papers
Steam autoclave 2005
Steam autoclave 2005 bw
Sycamore Tree Feb 2004
Table and cloth
Thomas & Eliza's clock - info
Thomas & Eliza's clock - now in care of Ian MacAndrew (1)
Thomas & Eliza's clock - now in care of Ian MacAndrew (2)
Thomas & Eliza's clock - now in care of Ian MacAndrew (2)
Thomas and Mary Southwell Statue
Thomas and Mary Statue - at Parkwood - 10 November 2013 (Yager's statue)